Hello Body

Somatic Movement Course
with Charis

August 25 (Sunday)
at 1:00 pm

Class length
360 minutes

Felt Sense (#04-02)

Somatic Movement Course

This course aims to provide a solid foundation in somatic movement that is accessible and relevant to a wide audience.

This course entails 6-hour module, and a 2-hour integration session. All segments will be conducted in-person. 

Course Outline

1.⁠ ⁠Introduction to Somatic Movement
  • Basic Concepts: What is somatic movement? Understanding the mind-body connection and how it influences the way we live and move.
  • Benefits and Applications: How somatic practices can bring a sense of radical aliveness, improve physical health, enhance self care and support holistic well-being.
2.⁠ ⁠Fundamentals of Movement
  • Body Awareness: Developing a deeper awareness of body sensations and movement pathways.

  • Embodied Anatomy: Introduction to key anatomical concepts relevant to movement and somatic practices.

3.⁠ ⁠Core Somatic Techniques
  • Practices: Exploration of basic somatic practice like body scans, gentle stretches, and mindful movement. Learn how these movements can help integrate primitive reflexes and support emotional regulation.

  • Application in Daily Life: How to incorporate these movements into daily routines for improved health and stress reduction.
4.⁠ ⁠Teaching and Facilitating Somatic Practices
  • Facilitation Skills: How to guide individuals or groups in somatic exercises, including clear instruction and supportive feedback.
  • Adapting Practices: Tailoring somatic exercises to different needs and settings. Incorporating sound and art into facilitations (e.g. classroom, fitness environments, coaching sessions, sound baths etc).
5.⁠ ⁠Somatic Movement for Specific Groups
  • For Educators: Techniques for integrating somatic practices into teaching for better focus and stress management.
  • For coaches/social workers/counsellors: Using somatic practices for self care and possibly client engagement.
  • For General Public: Practical applications for improving daily life, stress relief, and personal growth.
6.⁠ ⁠Trauma Awareness
Understanding boundaries, consent, and art of holding space.

7.⁠ ⁠Personal Practice and Reflection
  • Self-Exploration: Encouraging ongoing personal practice to deepen understanding and experience.
  • Feedback and Growth: Using reflection and feedback for continuous improvement in practice and teaching.
8.⁠ ⁠Integration and Practical Application
  • Case Studies and Triad practice: Practical exercises and case studies to apply learned concepts in real-life scenarios.
  • Resource Toolkit: Providing resources and tools for continued learning and practice.

Usual price: $800 per person

Special discounts available for coaches, educators, yoga instructors, pilates teachers, social workers, nurses, and crisis management workers.


About the trainer, Charis Koh

Charis Koh is a passionate advocate for the transformative power of movement and making connections. Over the past 14 years, she has worked as a dance coach and choreographer, and though the process discovered Pilates and GYROTONIC, and began using these practices to help individuals improve their relationship with their bodies and enhance physical health.

Charis has been doing one-on-one work with clients to aid in injury recovery, overcome physical limitations, and achieve greater freedom of movement for the last 12 years. Her deep interest in these processes led her to study various disciplines, including psychology, physiology, neurobiology, various coaching and training frameworks. However, Charis’s true joy lies in being connected to life, learning what matters, and understanding the interconnectedness of the human experience. She believes in crossing thresholds and building bridges, this interconnectedness is crucial as it unifies and resolves what needs to be resolved, and helps what is lost to be found and honours what needs to live on.

Charis believes in a whole-person approach to movement and healing, emphasizing choice and precise timing. She values authenticity and explores the relationships between disciplines to find simple solutions to complex issues, bridging science and art, practice and being.

Currently, Charis channels her experiences through her platform, Hello Body. As she enters a new phase, she aims to guide and mentor aspiring Movement and Pilates teachers, sharing her knowledge and acting as a sounding board and cheerleader to help uncover each person's unique wisdom and gifts in their work.

Charis also seeks to share insights about the body, somatics, and embodiment with coaches, educators, teachers, wellness facilitators, and anyone curious about these topics. The bottom-up, body-oriented approach deepens connections to the self and others, fostering empathy and love for one another. Charis’s ultimate goal is to build a supportive network that empowers individuals and bridges disciplines, making a positive impact on the world.

Tools and methods under her belt include but are not limited to:

  • Polestar Pilates Studio Comprehensive Certified (All apparatus), NCPT
  • Diploma in Sport and Exercise Science
  • CoreAlign L1&2
  • FRC Mobility Specialist, FRA & Kinstretch Certified
  • Stick Mobility L1 
  • Explain Pain Clinician Training 
  • Scolio-Pilates L1 
  • FM (Franklin Method) Educator
  • Reiki Level 1 Practitioner
  • Voice Dialogue (Parts work) Facilitator Training 
  • Systemic Constellations Illness & Soul by Stephen Hausner
  • Anatomy Trains In Motion Training 
  • Body Oriented Coaching Diploma (UK)
  • BSCs Psychology (UK) 
  • Somatic Experiencing by Peter Levine (year 2)

Absence due to Illness or Personal Emergencies
If you do not show up for class due to illness or personal emergencies, we will not offer any make-up class as this is an in-person experiential class. 

Latecomers Policy
We understand that stuff happens, and for reasons beyond your control, you may turn up late for class. To be fair to everyone, we have a 15 min grace period for latecomers, after which you may not be allowed to join the class.

Class Cancellation or Rescheduling by Hello Body
  1. The class may be cancelled when it does not meet the minimum required number of reservations. When this happens, you will be notified via email and/or WhatsApp 24 hours in advance, and rest assured, your class credit will remain in your account.
  2. The class may be cancelled in the unlikely event that the coach falls sick and no substitute coach is available at the last minute. If this happens, you will be notified via email and/or WhatsApp as soon as possible, and rest assured, your class credit will remain in your account.
  3. Hello Body reserves the rights to reschedule the class and provide at least 24 hours notice via email and/or WhatsApp.
Pass Policy
Unfortunately, strictly no refunds will be given to sold passes and credits, even for reasons related to illness and injuries. No validity extension will be given to expired passes and credits. We’re really strict on this!


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