Hello Body

TRE for Seasoned Shakers
with Diana

August 5 (Monday)
at 7:15 pm

Class length
60 minutes

Felt Sense (#04-02)

This Tension Release Exercise (TRE) session is for people who are already familiar with TRE. It will be an opportunity to have space held for your practice.

The experience
This will be more of an experiential session and some familiarity with TRE will be assumed. We'll begin with a guided somatic settling in and welcome, move into a quick start version of TRE and close our session with ample time for reflection and sharing in the group.

While TRE might already be a part of your toolbox of go-to interventions, being able to practise in held space can often: 
  1. Yield new aspects of our practice emerging
  2. Enable the implicit learning that happens within the group field
  3. Offer an opportunity to reflect and engage more meaningfully with others who also resonate with TRE
Who this is for
This drop-in class is only for people who have taken at least one TRE module, have already certified as providers, or have previously attended at least 3 TRE group sessions or 1 private TRE session with Diana

Testimonials from past participants
"The one thing I kept feeling throughout the TRE session, was that this is life-changing. I felt acceptance and that all is okay. Nothing is wrong and nothing is wrong with me. It is an experience I highly recommend and Diana is so nurturing, holding a safe space for connections and deep conversations with your inner being." - E

“During the TRE session I felt really safe, that she cared for me, and that I could be totally relaxed. I had an opportunity to watch my body and switch off my mind. An amazing experience with someone you can easily trust.” - J

“After the first session of TRE, I came away with new knowledge about my body. I have heard the phrase ‘body intelligence’ before, but it was only after TRE that I see the body as having a mind of its own...I have been back to TRE three times. Each time afterwards I find myself sleeping very well.” - WW

About the facilitator, Diana
Diana is a body-oriented coach, somatic therapist and embodiment facilitator. Drawing from decades of embodied experience in the therapeutic, meditative and movement arts, she offers grounded space in movement, touch, sound and inquiry explorations. She has been a certified provider since 2018 and has offered TRE in group sessions open to the public, corporate events and in conjunction with other somatic therapeutic interventions in 1-1 sessions.



Before Attending A Class:
  1. Have the waiver form in your account signed.
  2. Arrive 10 min early to allow for time to find the venue and have your attendance taken.
  3. Be dressed in comfortable attire, bring at least 750 ml of water, and extra clothes to change into if needed. 
  4. Shoes are not needed as you're required to remove them before entering the studio.

Cancellation Policy
  1. Class reservations can only be made up to 120 days in advance.
  2. To avoid losing your class credit, cancel your reservation at least 24 hours before the scheduled class time. Any cancellation less than 24 hours to class, or no shows, will result in the forfeit of your class credit.
Absence due to Illness or Personal Emergencies
If you do not show up for class due to illness or personal emergencies, you may still get your class credit back into your account:
  • Illness - Within 72 hours after your reserved class time slot, send a photo of a valid medical certificate to us via WhatsApp or email. Upon verification, you will get your credit back into your account.
  • Other personal emergencies - Within 72 hours after your reserved class time slot, explain yourself and share any relevant proof via WhatsApp or email. Outcome of whether you get your credit back will be on a case-by-case basis.
Latecomers Policy
We understand that stuff happens, and for reasons beyond your control, you may turn up late for class. To be fair to everyone, we have a 15 min grace period for latecomers, after which you may not be allowed to join the class.

Class Cancellation or Rescheduling by Hello Body
  1. The class may be cancelled when it does not meet the minimum required number of reservations. When this happens, you will be notified via email and/or WhatsApp 24 hours in advance, and rest assured, your class credit will remain in your account.
  2. The class may be cancelled in the unlikely event that the coach falls sick and no substitute coach is available at the last minute. If this happens, you will be notified via email and/or WhatsApp as soon as possible, and rest assured, your class credit will remain in your account.
  3. Hello Body reserves the rights to reschedule the class and provide at least 24 hours notice via email and/or WhatsApp.
Pass Policy
The validity of all passes will be 4 months from the purchase date (i.e. “pass start date”). It will be valid for booking classes that occur within those 4 months. We’ll remind you about your pass expiry if you forget!

Unfortunately, strictly no refunds will be given to sold passes and credits, even for reasons related to illness and injuries. No validity extension will be given to expired passes and credits. We’re really strict on this!

Make-up Class Policy
All attendance for relevant make-up class within a term course must be within the term course period. For example, if your term course occurs within the 1 Jan to 15 Feb period, and if you cannot attend a term course class during that period, your chosen make-up class time slot (subject to schedule availability) must be within the 1 Jan to 15 Feb period.


Sorry - that class has already taken place!
